The Department of Materials Science and Engineering Doctoral Candidacy Evaluation Policies -
NCHU Doctoral Program Regulations -
Procedures for Obtaining a PhD Degree at the Department of Material Science and Engineering, NCHU -
NCHU Implementation Guidelines for Master’s Degree Examination -
NCHU Implementation Guidelines for Doctoral Degree Examination -
Requirements and Reminders for the PhD Qualification Exams of MSE, NCHU -
NCHU Graduation Guidelines for Master’s & Doctoral Degree Eligibility -
Guidelines Governing Direct Admission into Doctoral Programs at NCHU -
Requirements and Reminders for the PhD Qualification Exams of MSE, NCHU -
NCHU Guidelines for the Interaction Between Thesis Advising Professors and Graduate Students -
Application of Defense for Doctoral Dissertation -
List of Doctoral Defense Committee Members -
Result of Doctoral Dissertation Defense -
Score of Doctoral Defense -
Doctor graduation oral exam paper verification page -
Doctoral_Dissertation Time<x>table and Appointment -
Application of Defense for Master Thesis -
Result of Master Dissertation Defense -
Score of Master Defense -
Master graduation oral exam paper verification page -
Master_Dissertation Time<x>table and Appointment -
Thesis/Dissertation Format -
NCHU Master’s Program Regulations -
NCHU Guidelines for Doctoral Candidacy Evaluation -
Guidelines for PhD Qualifying Assessment of the Department of Material Science and Engineering, NCHU -
Dropping out or applying for temporary suspension -
Application for Resumption